Friday, June 27, 2008

Cape Hatteras 2008 Pictures

Here are a few pictures from our Vacation to Cape Hatteras.

These are a few of people that we really did not know, but seriously, how do you let these scenes just pass by when you have a camera in you hands.

Here are a few of my dad fishing. In the first picture, he had hooked a BIG ONE. But, it took his bate and his hook, and left him with a "big fish" story that no one really ever believes.

Here are a few of us...

And this is the greatest place in the world. If you've never taken a nap at the beach in a hammick - you really haven't lived to life's full potential.

We had a great time. The Lord was very gracious to us in bringing us there and back safely. We are very grateful for this trip.


Smiley said...

well greg! i thought you had given up on the whole blog thing!! but it was nice to see more pics of your vacation. looking forward to reading your future posts!

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

How did you do that on pic number 10? I wanted to do that for some brochures....

Gregory Irby said...

I just made the swirly background image transparent and put it on top of the picture.

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

It looks good! I'm trying to find those to design some products we're gonna be selling, but I just found out you can get brushes with shapes like that...I just need to find where!
Thank you!!!